Small Business 101

Thu, Mar 23 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Topic: Start-up Assistance

Have you been thinking about starting your own business, but unsure of where to begin? Don’t miss this seminar which is designed to help you understand what it takes to start a business! This seminar will review startup fundamentals, marketing basics, licenses, business structures, regulations and more. Once you have successfully completed this session, you will be able to decide if your business idea is worth pursuing, how to move forward, and how LSBDC supports you as you grow your business.

Speaker(s): Lauren Titus, LSBDC


*Registration for this event is online or call our office at 337-482-6312. **There is no charge for this event. After you register on our website, you will be prompted to register on Zoom. Complete the registration on Zoom to get the link for the event.

Fee: No Cost