Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Webinar
In this workshop, you will gain information about the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Small Business Element (SBE) Program and learn how to apply for these certification to provide support for your small business. Listed below is information about the DBE and SBE Program. Go to www.dotd.la.gov for more information about SJB Group, LLC and DOTD. The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program was created to remedy past and current discrimination against DBE firms. The intention is to level the playing field for socially and economically disadvantaged individuals wanting to do business with the DOTD on U.S. Department of Transportation federally assisted projects. The Compliance Programs Section, Certification Unit, certifies businesses capable of performing services and/or products which can be credited toward DBE goals. The certification process ensures that only qualified small business firms that are independently owned and controlled by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals are certified for this program. The first step in the certification process is to complete and submit a DBE application.
Speaker(s): Kenyatta Sparks, DBE Consultant
Zoom link will be emailed to you before the event.
Fee: No Cost