Credit Reports: Tips To Maintain & Improve Credit

Thu, Mar 27 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Join us and First Guaranty Bank for an informative workshop designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools to take control of your credit. In this session, First Guaranty Bank will cover the essentials of understanding your credit score, including the factors that influence your score. Participants will learn practical tips to maintain and improve their score, as well as effective strategies to manage and improve their credit. First Guaranty Bank will share the do's and don’ts of credit, explore credit reports and how they are used, and provide guidance on how to navigate any errors that may appear on your report. Additionally, First Guaranty Bank will discuss the importance of safeguarding your identity and introduce you to tools such as Experian Boost that can help enhance your credit score. This workshop will also cover the differences between FICO and VantageScore and offer valuable insights on communicating with creditors to achieve better financial outcomes. Whether you're looking to build your credit or improve your score, this session will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions.

Speaker(s): Evelyn Jones, Business Consultant, SBDC Rachel Hazleton, Commercial Lender, FGB

Co-Sponsor(s): First Guaranty Bank

*Registration for this event is online. **There is no charge for this event. ***Once you complete your registration, please click the "Continue" button and register in Zoom to receive your Zoom link.

Fee: No Cost

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