AIdeation: Unleashing the Power of AI in Entrepreneurial Brainstorming and Mindset Development

Thu, Sep 5 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Topic: Computers in Business


Abstract: The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) presents unprecedented opportunities for entrepreneurs in the ideation and early stages of venture creation.

This webinar aims to explore the transformative potential of AI as a tool to streamline the brainstorming process, enhance design thinking methodologies, and cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset among participants.

Outcomes: Participants will walk away with: • A better understanding of what AI is and what it can do for them/their business. • Knowledge on how to think about AI as a tool. • Introduction to a handful of specific tools to be used for various aspects of business • Access to a private attendee only site with everything we cover, references to plenty more helpful resources, and a database of tools they can use.

Speaker(s): Logan Higuera, Founder of SaaS OpenOcean

Co-Sponsor(s): LED - SEBD Program Xavier Entrepreneurial Institute SBDC at XULA

This webinar series is sponsored by LED's SEBD program. You need to be SEBD Certified to attend this webinar. Certification is free and fast. It will take you 15 to 20 minutes to submit a certification application online. You will get an answer within 48 hours. An SEBD Certification will help you access several benefits including business education and assistance on specific projects. To apply for SEBD Certification, visit this website: For any questions about SEBD Certification, please email

Fee: No Cost