Angel and Early Seed Financing: Seed Investing for Entrepreneurs

Thu, Jun 28 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Topic: Financing and Capital

This energetic, one-day training and networking event provides young companies and tech transfer officials with an inside look at how seed investors think, make decisions, and how to work successfully with venture investors and corporate partners. Angel Networks -- their impact and potential • Seed Investing -- the complete process • Due Diligence -- effective, proven methods • Investment Appetite -- finding what’s right for you • Valuing the Enterprise & Pricing the Deal -- essential techniques • The Term Sheet -- structuring the deal for success • Negotiating the Deal -- do’s and don’ts; win-win strategies • Closing, Mentoring and Cashing Out -- coaching the team to success This seminar is geared for the leaders of business ventures who are seeking their first outside equity investment and whose business enterprise shows the promise for rapid and accelerated revenue growth. This seminar provides the early stage entrepreneur with the tools and methods to learn how to think like an angel investor. When the time comes for an entrepreneur to approach or make a presentation to an investment forum, angel organization, or investment pitch competition, he/she will be better equipped to speak to the hearts and minds of their prospective partners.

Co-Sponsor(s): MEPOL (Manufacturing Extension Partnership of Louisiana). Funded by the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership.

Pre-registraion is required. To pre-register, please call (504)-831-3730 Box lunxh will be provided

Fee: $ 25.00

Phone: 504-831-3730


LSBDC Greater New Orleans Region: Main Office
Xavier University of Louisiana, Division of Business, Xavier South – ROOM 203 A/B
Xavier South 909 South Norman C. Francis Parkway New Orleans, LA 70125