Register For Counseling
LSBDC at Southern University: Main Office
Leave blank if you do not have a name chosen or the business name is the same as your name.
Your position or title related to this business
Your physical street address (number and street) of the business. If a home based business, or the business has not started yet, use your home address.
Optional. Use for additional address postal information like apt, floor, suite, etc., or a PO Box.
Business has started
Check if you have started conducting business. Leave unchecked if you are in the planning stages and have yet to start this business.
Year this business started
Month this business started
Primary category of business
Enter the percent female ownership for this business.
YesIf business is conducted online
YesIf business is home based
If you are currently 8(a) certified.
Legal entity of the business
Current Number of Full Time Employees
Current Number of Part Time Employees
Annual Sales $ for the most recent full business year
Annual Profit/Loss $ for the most recent full business year
Current Number of Total Export Related Employees
Export Related Sales for most recent full business year
Countries you are currently exporting to. Start typing the name of the country and a list will appear to choose from. You may select more than one.
Start typing to filter the list of countries_Other
Central America
North America
South America
Check all the kinds of assistance that you seek
Please read the following, enter your Full Name, and click Continue below to indicate your acceptance.
I request business counseling service from the Small Business Administration (SBA) or an SBA Resource Partner. I agree to cooperate should I be selected to participate in surveys designed to evaluate SBA services.
I understand that any information disclosed will be held in strict confidence. (SBA will not provide your personal information to commercial entities.) I authorize SBA to furnish relevant information to the assigned management counselor(s). I further understand that the counselor(s) agrees not to: 1) recommend goods or services from sources in which he/she has an interest, and 2) accept fees or commissions developing from this counseling relationship. In consideration of the counselor(s) furnishing management or technical assistance, I waive all claims against SBA personnel, and that of its Resource Partners and host organizations, arising from this assistance.
I self-certify that neither I nor my company are currently in suspension or debarment by a Federal Agency.
Please enter your full name, indicating your acceptance of the above terms.
Date: 12/30/2024 12:07:29 PM