Shi Shi Frocks & Frills, LLC

Business: Shi Shi Frocks & Frills, LLC

Established: June 2005

Chantal Harkrider operates 'Shi Shi Boutique' - a small clothing Boutique in Lafayette, LA. Shi shi carries a wide selection of cutting edge clothing, shoes and jewelry for young professional women. Shi Shi is a 100% woman-owned LLC. Since inception Shi Shi has grown from a one woman operation to a thriving boutique that now employs 5 employees and is considering expansion.

SBDC assistance provided: Business Plan Preparation, Loan Packaging Assistance, Advertising and Marketing

Success: Created 5 new jobs, Loans Secured: $85,000

Client Quote: “I would have been unable to start my business without the help of LSU SBDC. They were extremely knowledgeable and easy to work with while my business plan and loan package were being developed. Together we came up with the perfect business plan." -Chantal Harkrider, Owner

Shi Shi Frocks & Frills, LLC

Lafayette, LA

Updated 11/21/2007 3:58:31 PM